Storymarketing Goldmine with Suzi Gray

Turn your unique stories into repeat sales — even if you think you have nothing new to say

You’re not “writing content”. You’re a masterpiece in the making who’s building a body of work.

What if I told you there was a SIMPLE system that shows you how to develop a raving fan, ready-to-buy audience by writing compelling stories, without spending hours on marketing that makes your soul cringe.

Would you be like, gimme that, stat?

At your service 💁🏻‍♀️ No fill-in-the-blank captions or used-to-death templates required!

Here’s the lowdown on what’s waiting for you when you sign up…

Stage 1: Story Mapping

Find + organise your stories so you have endless inspiration and never run out of ideas for what to post or email again

Stage 2: The Storymarketing Matrix

Master the four storymarketing quadrants to connect more deeply with your audience and lead them closer to the sale

Stage 3: Write To Delight

Understand how to make writing for your business faster + more fun for you, and more concise + compelling for your audience

Storymarketing is about strategic self-expression.

It’s about letting your personality shine so bright that the right people can’t help but notice and remember you.

It’s about bringing truth and transparency to your marketing so that you communicate on a human level rather than a transactional one.

Quit sitting on your goldmine. Start leveraging it.

© 2025 Captivation House Ltd   |   Designed with love by Rachilli

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By signing up, you're also giving permission to receive equally delicious info and offers specifically designed to help you captivate + convert more ideal clients. No fluff. No BS. No spam. (I can't promise there won't be GIFs.) 

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Oh hey, homie!Pop your details in so you don't miss the Captivation Class running 16-20 September...

Your foot is officially in the door! Go check your inbox now to see your welcome message and you'll be all set.

Oh hey, homie! Pop your details in so you don't miss the Captivation Challenge running 14-18 September...

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Pop your details in to get access to the Clients In Abundance workshop + Q&A on 18 February...

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Your foot is officially in the door! Go check your inbox now to see your welcome message and you'll be all set.

Your foot is officially in the door! Go check your inbox now to see your welcome message and you'll be all set.

Add your details to get instant access to the Luxurious Simplicity mini-class

Your foot is officially in the door! Go check your inbox now to see your welcome message and you'll be all set.

Access the Masterpiece in the Making replay now

Your foot is officially in the door! Go check your inbox now to see your welcome message and you'll be all set.